Big Day 2017

It’s been a couple of busy weeks for the Advanced TV Doc workshop at The University of King’s College in Halifax.  Teams made it through their shoot days in weeks three and four with few issues. Week five has seen every single one of them jump full throttle into their edits. This group is full of self starters, and I’ve noticed a bit more of a creative edge this year.  They are a determined lot, and their docs are eclectic in story and characters.

I will be profiling each group over the next week with a bit of a synopsis of their ten minute doc. For now here’s a quick rundown of the documentaries screening on March 24th. Everyone is welcome, so come on by and take in some great student documentary work.

4×4 Short Documentary Showcase

  • 9-0-2 Dodgeball
  • Live On
  • East Side Till The Grave
  • Whisper of Freedom

Friday March 24 2017, 1:15pm

KTS 2nd Floor, New Academic Building

University of King’s College, Halifax



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